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Games in the backyard

The protest action against sexual violence “Games in the backyard” was shown in the city of Shkodra and Tirana.  Director Ema Andrea has severely stung the Albanian society through this show, where after every guilty sexual abuse always comes the victim. A group of young artists from different cities responded to the invitation of Ema Andrea, where through the theatrical act, they performed a provocative and stinging theme for the “silence” and non-reaction of our society to sexual harassment. At the heart of the crime is the raping of a teenage girl in the backyard and the public trial of her.  For this event we collaborated with young artists from the ‘University of Arts’ and managed to create this show in the form of street art that attracted a high number of publics around the locations. The show was initially held in the yard of the ‘University of Arts’ in Tirana and later on we managed, through the difficulties of the pandemic, to showcase ‘Lojëra në oborrin e pasëm’ in Shkodra.