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You found your perfect FIT! … And it’s GREEN.
The European Green Deal is a series of political documents approved by the European Commission in 2020, to mitigate the risks of climate change around the world. These documents have become a priority for the Albanian Government as well. The new green economy will bring changes in terms of skills and labour market requirements. The transition to a sustainable and efficient future requires minimizing the gap between supply and demand, in terms of skills and jobs. In the series of measures that are being undertaken in this context, ProSEED programme financed by the German Government and implemented by GIZ in Albania, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and Economy, is supporting a series of activities which aim to raise awareness among individuals and make it possible for them to gain the knowledge, values, skills and attitudes necessary, to increase employment opportunities, under the framework of “Fit4green”. The German Government through GIZ/ProSEED is supporting the development of 15 various, creative, and innovative activities, targeting all age groups and the broad public, which will be held in 8 cities and over 15 administrative units of Albania, with a focus on promoting green skills and attitudes and turning them into practices of our daily lives. This initiative comes as a product of the objectives of ProSEED 2.0 for the acquisition of green skills and digital knowledge by young people, part of vocational education and everywhere else in Albania, and preparing them for the demands of the labor market and the economy of the future.